Cheated? Abused? Bullied?



And we are helping her out...

Instead of always letting them get away with it, you can Do something about it now!

Tell your story here >>

It's quick, easy and free.

Why tell your story here?

We will make your story public. When somebody Googles this person, they will find out what they did and who they are.

How does that help?

  1. It will warn future victims, whether it be employers, landlords, romantic partners, business partners. Wouldn't you be grateful if someone warned you before you got involved with the wrong person? Well, now you can do the same for the next person.
  2. In many cases, when people realise the whole world is watching, they quickly make things right, pay back money, etc.
  3. If they don't make things right, then their peers, colleagues, bosses, spouses will sort them out, be it from being uninvited from parties, disrespected by the community etc. Either way they will pay, becuase !
  4. Finally, if nothing else, it will feel good to get it off your chest.

So go ahead: Tell us your story. It's quick and simple and absolutely free. And... It's the right thing to do...

Remember the saying: "Evil succeeds when good men do nothing".

About us and our deeper philosophy

(And why we need your help)

We believe that only a few people out there are evil abusive swindlers and thieves. The vast majority of people out there are trying to be good people, and are just trying to make an honest living and provide for their family.

Really? It seems most people are evil...

Think about this point for a moment: It is often the perception that the whole world, the whole human race, is messed up. But we challenge this idea by saying this is only a perception. Think of it this way: Of all the people that you know personally: How many of them are evil? How many of them do you conider "good" people? On a macro scale, it is said that "humans kill the planet", but in fact it is only the "1%", the corporations, that are stripping the earth of it's resources for their own gain, and with no regard to nature, while the majority of people would go out of their way to help an injured animal! On a micro scale, we very quickly hear the news if someone didn't pay their rent, or ran some form of scam. But we don't hear of the thousands that DID pay their rent, or did an honest day's work. This is what we mean: The perception is skewed. The evil people are only a small minority. And they are the ones that we are addressing on our website.

What are we doing?

Our goal is to build a black list of those few that are perstering the rest of us, so as to improve the quality of life experience for the rest of us.


It is said that "Everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come into the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed" (John 3:20). Indeed, the biggest ally for an evil person is his annonymity. It is our dream to use the internet to shine the brightest of spotlights on them and watch them go up in flames like the vampires they are. And this is where we plead for the help of everybody out there.

But will it work?

If each reader reports even just one person who is a "Serial Swindler", then our list will very quickly be comprehensive enough to change the world for the better. We would like to invite people to consult our website, at no cost, before they rent out their property, before they enter into a romantic relationship, before they lend someone money, hire an employee, a mechanic, a plumber, the possibilities are endless. Take a moment to consider the future of the evil ones in our society when everybody work together to expose them and to bring their deeds to light on our website!

This is why we ask that you please take a few moments and DO SOMETHING against evil and bring us closer to our dream.

Tell your story here >>


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If you have any thoughts, suggestions or comments, we would love to hear from you.

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